
28th February 2025

Club Championships Entries Are Open

The Club Championships always get the Track and Field Season off to a great start and we are not expecting 2025 to disappoint. The Championships will be held across two evenings – 31st March and 3rd April and will cover runs, jumps and throws.

Entries are £7.00 per night with no more that three events entered each night, but please bear in mind that where athletes enter multiple events there may be manage clashes in times.

You can enter each evening by either scanning the QR codes for each evening or alternatively visit Sports Soft Results 2025 and scroll to the relevant dates.

For parents/guardians – to ensure that these events run smoothly, we will be need as many of you to support the evening. Could you help out in the shop, giving out numbers and supporting the sales on the evening, could you rake the pits, collect implements or help move hurdles around. Please speak to Jackie to let her know where you would like to help out.


31st March


4th April

U11s (Y5) 150m, 600m, 70mH, Long Jump

U13s (Y6&7) 150m, 800m, 70mH (girls), 75mH (boys), Long Jump

U15s (Y8&Y9) 200m, 800m, 75mH (girls), 80mH (boys), 3000m, Long Jump, Pole Vault, Hammer, Discus

U17s (Y10&Y11) 200m, 800m, 80mH (women), 100mH (men), 3000m, Long Jump, Pole Vault, Hammer, Discus

U20s/Seniors/Masters 200m, 800m, 100mH/110mH, 3000m, Long Jump, Pole Vault, Hammer, Discus

U11s (Y5) 75m, 600m, High Jump, Howler

U13s (Y6&7) 75m, 1200m High Jump, Javelin, Shot

U15s (Y8&Y9) 100m, 300m, 1500m, Triple Jump, High Jump, Javelin, Shot

U17s (Y10&Y11) 100m, 400m, 400mH (men) 300mH (women) 1500m, Triple Jump, High Jump, Javelin, Shot

U20s/Seniors/Masters 100m, 400m, 400mH, 1500m. Triple Jump, High Jump, Javelin, Shot


Further information:

  • Field events have limits to the number of athletes that can be entered, to meet time constraints
  • There may be clashed once the Track and the Field timetables are published, so you may have to choose your preferred event.
  • We do not recommend entering more than three events each evening.
  • You will be able to collect numbers from the club house at training sessions in the weeks prior to the Championships.
  • Please ensure you have 4 pins to secure numbers on vests/tops.
  • There will be no training on either of the nights.